Help! My baby rooster is hurt!


May 21, 2015
Please help! My 4 week old rooster was attacked by his sisters in the butt-area. His tailfeathers that were growing in have all been plucked off by his sisters and his butt is raw... How can i help fix his injury!?!
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:frow welcome to BYC !!

Clean the area with water and put him in a separate area so they won't attack him. He should heal up in a week or so and start to regrow feathers. You can give him some chicken vitamins to help him.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Sometimes young cockerels do not fair well with their pullet sisters.

The best thing you can do for him is to keep him separate from them until he is of breeding age. They won't hurt him once the pullets are laying and he is mature himself.

If he has any wounds, you can use either blu-kote or if they are bad enough, some neosporin, (without the pain killer) until the wounds seal over.

You can try mixing him back in when he does heal, but watch him carefully. You may need to wait until he is older to keep him with the pullets.

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