Help!!! My broody hen just hatched 9 chicks but broke open a bad egg.


6 Years
Mar 28, 2013
So this is the first time we have hatched out eggs with a hen and she has really done great. We had a friend give us 12 eggs and on Earth day 9 of them hatched. We'll I decided to wait and let the others try for a day or so to hatch... ( I didn't know to candle the eggs, so I didn't.) I went out there today to find that the chicken house smells horrible!!! One of the eggs that she has been sitting on for 22 days now was busted under her and all the babies are under her too. I tried to clean out the nest but the main problem is that she has the egg all in her feathers and I can't get it off. Will this make the chicks sick? Should I try to give her a quick bath? Should I just clean the nest and leave her to her babies. Please help!!! I need some advise quickly.
Make sure the chicks are warm but clean out the nest and give her a quick wash just to be on the safe side incase any of the chicks get sick :)
Thank you so much. I am so scared that the chicks will get sick. I don't want to do anything to make the situation any worse.
No problem As long as their warm it should be fine for you to clean it up by the way are the chicks covered in egg as well

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