Help! My chick is dying 😭


Apr 18, 2021
My sweet little chick is dying. She has the worst hook beak I've ever seen and I'm wondering if she hasn't been getting enough food and water.
I noticed her sitting when I went to tidy up the brooder. The other chicks were jumping all over her and she just kept sitting.
I picked her up and quickly gave her 1 drop of nutri-drench, I couldn't figure out how much to give her. Should I give more? She's 4 weeks old
I've been holding her and giving her a little bit of sugar water but she's declining. She won't open her eyes, she's breathing but mucus is coming up. She let's out a little peep if I move her but she's so weak.
Is there anything that has helped you to save a chick?

I'm afraid that with a deformity like that, that theres not much to do at this point.
Usually a deformity like this indicates that the bird has internal issues that get worse at it ages.
I'm very sorry but she's not in any pain so don't worry about that. It
My sweet little chick is dying. She has the worst hook beak I've ever seen and I'm wondering if she hasn't been getting enough food and water.
I noticed her sitting when I went to tidy up the brooder. The other chicks were jumping all over her and she just kept sitting.
I picked her up and quickly gave her 1 drop of nutri-drench, I couldn't figure out how much to give her. Should I give more? She's 4 weeks old
I've been holding her and giving her a little bit of sugar water but she's declining. She won't open her eyes, she's breathing but mucus is coming up. She let's out a little peep if I move her but she's so weak.
Is there anything that has helped you to save a chick?

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Mine died that was like this. It was so sad.
My sweet little chick is dying. She has the worst hook beak I've ever seen and I'm wondering if she hasn't been getting enough food and water.
I noticed her sitting when I went to tidy up the brooder. The other chicks were jumping all over her and she just kept sitting.
I picked her up and quickly gave her 1 drop of nutri-drench, I couldn't figure out how much to give her. Should I give more? She's 4 weeks old
I've been holding her and giving her a little bit of sugar water but she's declining. She won't open her eyes, she's breathing but mucus is coming up. She let's out a little peep if I move her but she's so weak.
Is there anything that has helped you to save a chick?

View attachment 3653582
unfortunately this is an internal issue. Love her and keep her comfy til she passes. Pray.
My sweet little chick is dying. She has the worst hook beak I've ever seen and I'm wondering if she hasn't been getting enough food and water.
I noticed her sitting when I went to tidy up the brooder. The other chicks were jumping all over her and she just kept sitting.
I picked her up and quickly gave her 1 drop of nutri-drench, I couldn't figure out how much to give her. Should I give more? She's 4 weeks old
I've been holding her and giving her a little bit of sugar water but she's declining. She won't open her eyes, she's breathing but mucus is coming up. She let's out a little peep if I move her but she's so weak.
Is there anything that has helped you to save a chick?

View attachment 3653582
Did your sweet chick recover?

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