Help, my chicken attacked my daughter!

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I'm not one to say "kill and eat" your chicken if it isn't exactly as you personally think it should be. Chickens are pretty intelligent animals. They have their own personalities and quirks...and definitely their own faults. To expect every hen you own to be just like one particularly sweet individual is not the most realistic in my opinion. You purchased this animal as it was, she grew up into her own personality, it isn't exactly what you want, so you kill her for it? I just see other ways to deal with things as opposed to taking the animal's life.

People do this same thing with other pets all the time. I've worked in both parrot rescue/rehab facilities and pet stores, and people frequently buy an animal expecting it to be the perfect creature, and when it isn't exactly what they had imagined, they give it away. Most of these animals have the potential to be wonderful pets and companions when given a little time, training, and attention.

I think you can work with your hen if she is biting you. Chickens are capable of learning behaviours. In my opinion, I think you should work with her yourself, do not send your young daughter in to do it. Accidents happen when working with animals, especially with children in the picture. Your hen is not going to seriously injure you, she i s not capable of that. So, give her a chance and see if you can show her who is boss. If she knows that, she will stop biting you and show you some respect.
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I hate to see these threads...

I am the crazy chicken lady, my name states the truth! LOL!

I have NEVER had a bird I couldn't "re-train" or really, for that matter, had one that has misbehaved so badly I would ever consider getting rid of.

People say that there are mean birds and there is nothing you can do to deter that behavior, that some breeds are just "mean".

I believe from my experience that you can manipulate the behavior of the bird.

I have a small flock of 12, all kinds of breeds, and not one of my birds has ever attacked the family that is...My roo's are like watch dogs, if a stranger comes in the yard, they will investigate and possibly chase, LOL!

My birds can all be picked up and handled, and are handled on a daily basis, have been since birth. Which could be why they are so tame.

I believe if you give this bird some one on one time, with your child present in sight, you can fix this behavior.

I have had my birds for a few years now and my daughter has always been able to go out and love on all of them without incident.

I hope things work out and you dont have to "replace" this hen. Good Luck.

Oh, P.S. If you look at my avatar thingy, you will see one of my hens (silver phoenix) laying on my daughters bed....if that gives you a clue as to how tame my birds are, LOL!
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I hate these threads too but not for the same reason as crazychickenlady. I hate them because it makes me worry about getting my new chickens in a few short weeks. I have a 3 yr old and reading this stuff scares me to death!~ I like those threads that say "I have the most fabulous chickens" lol I sure hope I do! BUt I guess it's better to be aware then have my son get picked! I will be sure to keep him away until he's a bit older. RIght now he doesn't have a lot of respect for animals in general...he's three!
I guess I am one of the few who do just that! As a matter of fact, I'm giving my very favorite hen just one more month to produce eggs (she is a new layer) and then she is in the pot. I have already killed and processed several hens who either weren't productive or were not of the breed I want to continue raising. I am sentimental for only so long and then I expect an animal to pay for itself in some manner.
How old are these hens going in the stew pot?

Large breed pullets can sometimes take over 30 weeks to start laying and then not lay consistantly for a while later. My polish hens didn't lay until until 32 weeks.

Often the 18 - 22 week laying recommendation gets sets in stone and that is not the case for many many pullets.
I have never had a hen attack my son, but I Have had a rooster attack my son, and he went directly to the table to my sons Great pleasure! I will not tolerate a dog bitting my child, nor will I tolerate a chicken biting my child. Just like any animal, tehy need to understand the pecking order, and my son is at the top! No if and or buts about it!
I NEVER tolerate an aggressive chicken.... EVER!!! But I am way to "chicken" LOL to cull them. They go directly to the feed store. ASAP. There are way too many sweet, loving, funny, wonderful, adoring chickens in this world to put up with mean ones. We are up to 70 plus chickens and believe me, if they are mean, they don't live here!!
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