Help! my chicken got out and we can't find! her what should we do??


Dec 5, 2015
My chicken got scared by the neighbors dog and she is somewhere in our neighborhood and I can't find her. I assumed that when it got dark she would come home but it is dark at this point and she would usually be sleeping by now. What should I do? Will she come back?
If the dog didn't get her or another predator during the night, she'll be back in the morning. Once dusk came around she probably jumped in a tree for the night. They won't roam the neighborhood after dark.

If you saw where she went, you could take a flashlight and look for her in shrubs, trees or on sheds. Otherwise just wait till morning.
Birds don't move in darkness (except owls) if she escaped predators she is probably up a tree or op top of some fence or shed, etc. If you went around with a flashlight you might be able to locate her. Is she a good flyer? Usually birds will come back in the morning when it is light , because they are hungry.
Sorry to hear your chicken went missing last night. Please keep us posted, I hope she comes home!
Did she come back this morning?

If not, a predator may have gotten her.
Unless she's lost, in which case it may take a couple days or she will adopt another flock.
Welcome to the BYC flock! We are glad you joined us!


Any luck finding her?

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