I've recently started getting back into the poultry keeping- My grandfather was a farmer, and I had some of my own as a chlid. I have two juvinile Jumbo Pekins & 3 Muscovys (two are five weeks older than the Jumbos, one is still developing feathers, but same size as the Jumbos.) My two older muscovys are in their own pen, and they're just fine. They keep it clean, they don't spill an excessive amount of water, and they only need their feed filled every few days. The other three are in a pen and within 20 minutes of filling their water and feed, they've emptied them. I purchased a five gallon waterer last night, filled it, and put them up for the night. When I went to let them out this morning- it was empty. I live in Florida, and they continue to spill their water until it's empty, and when I come home from work on my breaks- they're hot & panting with dirt all in their mouths. Please help? It's not even the hottest part of the season and I'm worried they're without water while it's too hot!!! Anyone know what to do about this?