Help my favorite chicken has mites!!!!


Sep 27, 2020
So I'm a new chicken raiser I just got a flock this year raised them since they were chicks I have one chicken that has a huge mite problem I've checked all my other chickens I've cleaned out the coop they don't seem to have any mites I put dust all over in their bedding and over in the coops made sure they had a dust area outside just in case I have the chicken with me that I can't get rid of the mites on she's my favorite chicken I bathe her I dust her I just try to salt water bath I have the spray it's called bronco equine fly spray plus citronella scent it says that I can use it in the coops in their nest box you know around where they lay but it doesn't say anything about spring directly on them anyone have any ideas please help
So I'm a new chicken raiser I just got a flock this year raised them since they were chicks I have one chicken that has a huge mite problem I've checked all my other chickens I've cleaned out the coop they don't seem to have any mites I put dust all over in their bedding and over in the coops made sure they had a dust area outside just in case I have the chicken with me that I can't get rid of the mites on she's my favorite chicken I bathe her I dust her I just try to salt water bath I have the spray it's called bronco equine fly spray plus citronella scent it says that I can use it in the coops in their nest box you know around where they lay but it doesn't say anything about spring directly on them anyone have any ideas please help
What dust did you put everywhere?
To treat mites, you need to empty the coop of all bedding, feeders, waterers and chickens.
Get 10% Permethrin. Dilute it 4 oz to 3 gallons of water and spray all surfaces of the coop paying attention to nooks and crannies and let it dry then put fresh bedding in.
Mix up a second batch using 1 oz to 1.5 gallons of water and spray each bird to the skin under the vent, under each wing and under the throat.
Repeat all of the above in 10 days to kill any mites that hatched from eggs that cannot be destroyed by the permethrin spray.
What dust did you put everywhere?
To treat mites, you need to empty the coop of all bedding, feeders, waterers and chickens.
Get 10% Permethrin. Dilute it 4 oz to 3 gallons of water and spray all surfaces of the coop paying attention to nooks and crannies and let it dry then put fresh bedding in.
Mix up a second batch using 1 oz to 1.5 gallons of water and spray each bird to the skin under the vent, under each wing and under the throat.
Repeat all of the above in 10 days to kill any mites that hatched from eggs that cannot be destroyed by the permethrin spray.
It was a mate and lice dust that North 40 said to use for them I'm pretty sure it was a permethrin-based dust
:welcome :frow Most poultry dust is permethrin. If you have a TSC in your area you can get permethrin spray. You can also get permethrin based shampoos to bathe your bird in.,aps,268&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-apa-p_3_19
All of these products work. I would treat you coop, spraying everywhere, every crack and crevice because as with most, it doesn't kill the mite eggs so repeated 3 or 4 weekly sprayings are essential. I do put the poultry dust in the nest boxes.


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Thank you so much for your reply my other chickens don't have it none as soon as I realize the one had them I cleaned out the coop immediately and put dust down Ash and a few other things for them to dust themselves with and they are all doing very well it was just this one little chicken now I have in my house they all had picked on her and she gotten really weak and I think they just attached her cuz she was being pushed out of the flock I did give her a bath with baby oil yesterday and it seemed to help a lot way more than any of the other stuff I've used so far but she is in my house so guess what I'm noticing .....mites in my house
put dust down
What kind of dust?

Google images of lice/mites and their eggs before the inspection so you'll know what you're looking for.

Part the feathers right down to the skin around vent, head/neck and under wings.

Best done well after dark with a strong flashlight/headlight, easier to 'catch' bird and also to check for the mites that live in structure and only come out at night to feed off roosting birds.

Wipe a white paper towel along the underside of roost to look for red smears(smashed well fed mites).

Good post about mite ID by Lady McCamley:

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