HELP!!!! My frizzle has lost a lot of feathers (Pictures)


5 Years
Apr 23, 2014
Several months ago my frizzle want stay out of the rain if i don't go shut the coop doors and make her stay in. And last summer she got soaking wet several times and when she gets wet the other chickens like to peck her, i guess because her feathers part and they can see the skin. Well last September they actually pecked so much they made a sore, so I brought her in until she healed but the feathers didn't grow back. So I bought some stuff at TSC to keep them from pecking her. (its a purple gel in and it taste bad to them) Any how its been 6 moths now and they don't peak her any more, but the feathers aren't growing back and now her wing feathers are boney looking. I started adding Manna Pro
Poultry Conditioner about 6 weeks ago and now she is getting some feathers back but still has little pieces that look like they are broken off at skin.

My question is what else can I do to help her regrow her feathers, is there a topical product i can use?

She use to be sooo fluffy and now bless her heart she is just pitiful looking.

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