Help! My hen abandon her eggs on day 21!!!!


6 Years
May 23, 2017
Abandoned by my hen, 9 eggs, 21 day old chicks, now day 23, one was cheeping day 21, not now. I am very inexperienced at: home made incubator. I have candle them I see movement in a couple but not sure how to tell if they have died by candling!! When do I give up?šŸ˜¢ Has anyone done or heard about the floating the egg test? If egg floats there is life if it sinks no life. Mine all floated, wondering if I was gullible!!!šŸ˜¤!!! Please comment if you have had this situation or have an idea!!
I've hatched eggs in a rubbermaid type tote with a lightbulb hanging into it; used a thermometer to decide how far into the tub to let the lightbulb hang. You're close to the finish line, so there's a good chance this will work for you.
Abandoned by my hen, 9 eggs, 21 day old chicks, now day 23, one was cheeping day 21, not now. I am very inexperienced at: home made incubator. I have candle them I see movement in a couple but not sure how to tell if they have died by candling!! When do I give up?šŸ˜¢ Has anyone done or heard about the floating the egg test? If egg floats there is life if it sinks no life. Mine all floated, wondering if I was gullible!!!šŸ˜¤!!! Please comment if you have had this situation or have an idea!!
Firstly, do not panic.
Secondly, never float the eggs, as you can easily drown the chicks inside. What they need at this stage of incubation is your patience, correct humidity and a lot of oxygen.
she was sitting 30 eggs? I understand leaving the last 9 if she had 21 babies in need of feeding, but why on earth would she leave the babies? :th
Or are you saying 9 eggs that were on day 21 of development? That makes more sense. Still curious why she left. Seems too late in the process to give up.

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