Help !!! My hen is still eating eggs


8 Years
Dec 29, 2011
Brainerd, MN
I started to give extra protien about once a week and she stopped. She has started again even with me putting in marble eggs and wood eggs in every nest box. She just kickes them out and starts eating. I have seen her do this. I need help cause my hubby wants to do her in and I want to keep trying.
I've always wondered what is the mustard egg supposed to accomplish? I've never noticed chickens having any aversion to mustard and I know that they can't taste "spicy" so I am curious?

OP, at my house she would already be gone so I don't have any real advise there. I've never had a problem with egg eaters except when someone has laid a thin-shelled egg or somehow one gets broken. Growing up, they went straight to the stew pot as soon as they were suspected.
just a thought, mine love wet food, and i noticed when i give it wet in the morning, they dont touch the eggs, if i dont-- they go to the eggs, yesterday, one had a rubber egg, and it was untouched by the others, even though it was in with the two normal eggs... maybe try that? I also switched to blue seal from purina. whatever worked.. worked yesterday.. see what happens today
feralkitty, I've read that before. But I've never seen anything that would make me believe that chickens don't like the taste of mustard? Though I could see them stopping because they weren't getting the protein source that they expect from eggs making it pointless for them to eat them.

Now I'm curious about something else - how do you actually manage to get the mustard in there?? :)
My hens started to do this... I went through the link above and tried everything but they still ate them... they were even laying the egg and eating it right away so i had to put all my hens down in 3 months i couldnt break them...
Last night I did the mustard egg and she ate the mustard and left the shell plus two others. Tommarrow I'm gonna put her in one of my rabbit cages and butcher her when we do the ducks on tuesday. Thank you for responding. They are also molting and dealling with lice although she has no evidence of the lice.

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