Help my hen stopped sitting!!

canadian chick

6 Years
Apr 25, 2013
Hi there new to hatching eggs, but I have a little bantam who was sitting on 7 eggs. 2 days ago 1 hatched but i found her outside the house with the chick. so I left her for a bit to see if she would return to her eggs but she didn't so i put her back in the house and locked her in. the next day i opened her door to let her out for food and water andchecked her later to find her outside again with the chick, again waited to see if she would return to her eggs but she didn't so i put her back and locked her in. so my question is, is it possible that the eggs still may hatch if she is sitting and not being let out. not sure how long she went without sitting on the eggs
Do you have a incubator? that's your best bet I think. Sounds to me like she is done with sitting and wants to raise her chick now. I think you can also candle the eggs but I don't know what to look for so hopefully someone with more experience can answer the candling question for you. My broody dumped her eggs after the first hatch too, I don't know how long she had left them for but I just chucked them, I kind of regret it now :/.

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