momma duck is gone!


Flock Mistress
12 Years
Feb 28, 2007
South Eastern Indiana
I "had" a grey little duck...she was sitting on 12 eggs. She was there this morning....I went to town, came home, she is gone. I waited for 3 hours, she never came back. So I fired up the old bator. What temp and humidity do I hatch Duck eggs??? With her being gone for over 3 hrs...with they still hatch??
PLEASE pray my little MoMo comes home!! I miss her little fuzzy head.
and her hubby, Shadow...has been walking all over the property, looking for her as well.
Oh noooo, Deb!! Hoping and praying she comes back! Dad must be a wreck. How long has she been incubating them? 3 hours won't keep them from hatching. PLEASE COME HOME, MOMO!!!
Sounds good to me. I've hatched duck eggs at 99.5 degrees. Not sure what the humidity was though.

Has MoMo come back?? I sure hope she does. It is sooooooo sad when something happens to them. The Daddy Duck must be distraught. Please let us know if she came home. Thanks.
I hope these hatch. I went out and looked for my MoMo this morning. Nothing. When I call her name....she usually calls back to me. This is the second duck I have lost in a month. Waggles dissapeared as well. She was my little Mallard I raised for over a year. I just figured the call of the wild finally reached her...but now Mo? She is a ground duck...she can't fly. I just dont know why she would just walk away. Poor Shadow...laying in the front a sentinal...watching and waiting.

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