Help needed for dosage of Tylan powder and "angel eyes" (tylan)

merry, Tylan comes in at least 3 strengths I am aware of: 50, 100 and 200. It also comes in two different forms--injectible and water soluble. Sounds like you have the water soluble coming.

There may be some folks with dosage charts handy; I don't have any here at work, but you might do a quick search on the forum.
It is rather confusing because what I am ordering is "tylan 100 gm"

question is 100 gm per what? per tsp? per the container i'm ordering?

..and then, how many gm or mg do i give per gal or quart of water.... and does it depend on the weight of the bird/chick.

Jenski... thanks for your suggesting about PM to a couple of other members.. just did that.

Have a good day
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Well - I called the company that is sending the tylan.

the 100 gm is the WEIGHT of the powder in the container.. NOT a measurement of the STRENGTH of the powder.

She did not have any information about the strength of the Tylan but just to give "1 tsp per 5 gal" of water to poultry.

..... so I guess I will just being going with that after I read the instructions on the container itself.

.... would still love to hear from anyone who has used this..
how much did you mix in a gal or quart of water..

many thanks to all who have helped me with this
I called Elanco who was the company for the Tylan soluble powder that I got (100 g tylosin base) and they transferred me to their veterinary doctor. She said one heaping 1/2 teaspoonful of powder per gallon. She said you can administer it for 3-5 days, possible even another day after depending on the severity. Also a generous withdrawal period of 3 weeks from eggs to be safe.

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