Help needed with hatching

Sarah and Joey

In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 11, 2012
We have a batch of eggs in the incubator from our aylesbury ducks as neither of the girls were broody and would sit on them.
We candled them last week and 8 out of 9 of the eggs had movement in them.
Only 4 days left to hatch date - when we've checked them this morning we heard a small 'chirp' from one of them but 2 of them have started going black!!
Does any body know what this means - are they still OK or do we need to take the black ones out???

Thanks for any advice - we don't want to loose any when they all looked OK last week
Sometimes when it's that close to hatch day it's hard to see what's going on and because the duck takes up so much of the egg you aren't sure if its alive or not..and sometimes for an unknown reason the duck will die just a few days before hatch while others the airsack a good size meaning the humidity is good? I'd leave it and see what happens..if its not alive then in another day or so you'll know for sure...about 3 days before hatch day the incubator should be in lockdown to keep the humidity up so the babies can hatch.
Thanks for that, I'll try be patient and just let them be for a couple of days!!
Humidity is around 72 and I've kept the lid on since I checked them this morning.
The air sack looked about a third of the egg so I guess its just a case of wait & see now

Thanks again

Another question - we've another batch of eggs in there which were put in about 10 days ago. (I know, probably not the best thing to do!!)
Now I have to keep the lid closed for the babies to hatch this means I won't be able to turn the new eggs - will they be OK not being turned for a couple of days???
oh my goodness no. i put batches in sometimes with different hatch dates..but i have an automatic turner. if you dont turn the eggs you risk having deformed babies or they'll have to make sure they're turned. to turn the eggs and then shut..i've candled eggs all the way till the day they hatch and been's just not advisable. mist your eggs that are set to hatch to keep them moist so they won't have issues hatching. keep me posted..hope all is well:)
I'd leave the young eggs sit until the others have hatched and then go back to turning them. I've never had not turning for a few days when I was gone affect them in any way but messing up the humidity in the hatching eggs is much more likely if you keep opening the incubator. Your choice though.
Thanks for the advice, luckily the my baby ducks have decided to hatch early!!
I did lift the lid to turn the second batch yesterday morning, did this 3 eggs at a time, & quickly replaced the lid - did take a little time!!
First baby hatched yesterday afternoon, another one's popped out this afternoon and another looks like it will soon be here!!
They weren't due to hatch until Friday but if they carry on popping out like this they'll soon all be here.

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