Help Needed with Hen Picking on Others


10 Years
May 7, 2009
I have a bcm hen that is picking on my other chickens. I have a mixed flock with two silkies, one blrw pullet, and a bantam auracana rooster. She is mean to all of them except the rooster. I've tried letting her adjust to the blrw pullet by separating them for several weeks where they can see each other but not interact but she is still relentless. Since she is the one causing the trouble, I've removed her to the adjacent pen and let the others stay together. Any suggestions on getting her to interact better? There is plenty of room in the pen as well as food and water access.
Leave her in the pen, seperate, for at least a week; maybe longer.
It would be even better if she is not in the area of the other chickens at all.
Chickie jail, good for knocking her down a few pegs on the pecking order ladder.
She is aggressive. I don't have a way to separate her from the others so she can't see them, just a physical separation in an adjacent pen.

When I first got her, I had another hen in with my rooster. I re-homed that hen so the bcm was the only other chicken with the rooster for a while. The other hen was very aggressive with her and now the situation has reversed. Is this from being the only hen with the rooster for so long?
Yeah, it's possible she's claiming her territory and trying to keep the others off her turf. Can you hang old towels etc.. on the fence so she can't see the others? Either way seperate for a while won't hurt, will hopefully help. Good luck.

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