>Help no longer needed< Closed eye: lethargic, drooping wings & tail. [Details & pics]


On the other side of the road
Mar 20, 2019
Southern Iberia
- Right eye mostly closed: she's opened it when I've moved her, but it then closes again once she settles
- Possibly slight swelling around right eye and ear lobe?
- Wings drooping
- Tail drooping
- Listless/lethargic, just sitting on bed of wood shavings
- Poo normal
  • Do you know what is wrong with her?
  • What can I do?
If you are going to suggest any medications, please specify the composition as opposed to a brand name, as I'm in Spain.

Age: 4 - 4.5 month old Leghorn pullet

Link to image gallery (right-click on thumbnail and 'open in new window' for the larger image & description)

On Thursday morning I had three chickens delivered. They were fine when I let them out of the box. Later on I spent time with them at sundown and helped them find and settle on their perch for the night; they were all active and seemed fine. (The Leghorn and Araucana jumped onto me in an attempt to find the highest place to roost, which was super cute!)

Yesterday (Friday) I left home early and checked in on them in the afternoon when I got back. I didn't notice anything amiss; the other two pullets came closer and to investigate the grass I tied for them, but they'd seemed bolder/friendlier the day before so it didn't strike me as odd. Also, I didn't stay long as I had to go out again.

This morning (Saturday) the Leghorn was lying in the nesting box when I went into the coop. The other two had been there too, but came out one at a time and approached me as I tied some lettuce up. I stayed for a while, but the Leghorn did not emerge; she appeared to be dozing. When I went to the nesting box to take a closer look at her she run out. As she walked and stood, I saw that her wings were drooping (not her tail) and that her right eye would close. After a few minutes she moved towards a corner of the coop and lay down there.


I've moved her into a box in the kennel (building) to isolate her from the other two. She has food and water with amino acids in it. When standing in the box, I noticed her tail was visibly drooping. (She was sprightly enough to fly out when I went to put the food in, as she was scared.) Once settled, she lay down again; her right eye closed and her left remained open.

When I've gone in to check on her she's lying down in the same or slightly different place. She's opened her eyes to watch me as I've come in (the gate is noisy) but not moved position - I've kept to about 1m away so as not to upset her. I don't get the impression that she's had anything to eat or drink.

P.S. The only other thing I noticed was that on Thursday evening she was making soft chirping sounds. None of the chickens I've had made such a noise and I thought it was very sweet and soothing. Have no idea whether that has any bearing on her ailment or whether it is a cute feature.

Thank you so much for any help you can give me!
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Okay, could you upload a picture?

There are several things that could be wrong, but being this time of the year, are there any pests that could be bothering them? Gnats are extremely bad on my chickens right now.
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Okay, that earlobe does appear swollen. Behind that small tuft of feathers, can you see into the ear. An ear infection can cause chickens to be sick just like humans.

I’m not too familiar with any chicken diseases that cause this, so hopefully someone else can chime in if that’s not the issue.

Nice birds by the way!
Okay, that earlobe does appear swollen. Behind that small tuft of feathers, can you see into the ear. An ear infection can cause chickens to be sick just like humans.

I've tried, but I can't see into the ear. The swelling is only very slight, I can see it by the ear feathers being slightly raised when I look at a certain angle. This photo is a bit deceptive because the way I have my thumb placed / her head is angled makes the earlobe seem bigger - compared to this photo where it seems pretty normal (as far as my inexperienced eye can see).

I’m not too familiar with any chicken diseases that cause this, so hopefully someone else can chime in if that’s not the issue.

Thank you for your input! I hope so too.

Nice birds by the way!

Thank you!! :)
Update: She is much better today! :wee

Yesterday afternoon she showed some signs of improvement. At 17:30h it seemed she tried to fly out of the box (I heard her) and when I went to look, she was perching on the branch of the floor of the box. Although she seems a bit perkier, her tail still drooped and her right eye closed after a while.

Today she has been eating and looking around with both eyes open. I stayed with her a while and her eyes remained open, she was much more animated; looking up at me and getting off the branch to scratch around.

This evening I heard her try to fly out a few times and when I went in to check she'd Houdini'd herself out of the box and was perched on top of the mesh! After that, I took her down to rejoin the other two pullets.


Perhaps it was an insect bite. @silkie1472 There have been no insects in the coop whenever I've been down to see them, barring some flies one one occasion - but all it takes is one mosquito, I guess.
Sounds good! Glad to hear she’s doing better. One insect bite can wreck havoc on an entire flock. Even something could have got in her eye and caused a small infection. We’ll never know for sure.
Sounds good! Glad to hear she’s doing better.

Thank you!! :D

One insect bite can wreck havoc on an entire flock.

Really? How would it affect the whole flock?

Even something could have got in her eye and caused a small infection. We’ll never know for sure.

*nods* I hadn't thought of that. Yes indeed, but I can live with that now she's better. :)

I feel so relieved! She is like the chicken version of a fawn; delicate yet strong. And she's back to making her soft chirruping noises. :love

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