Help! Older roo is chasing younger pullets to mount!


9 Years
May 2, 2010
Long story how I came to acquire the flock I have, but there's 9 pullets-3 australorps, 2 buff orpingtons, 2 golden-laced wyandottes, and 2 ameraucaunas. Then we helped out some friends with a rooster rescue and he's about 10 months old. he was terrorizing the younger ones at first, so we got an older hen, about a year old, to 'accomodate' him. He was fine at first, but lately he's been chasing the pullets again-they're about 12 weeks old, and is mounting one of the ameracaunas, who seems paralyzed by the whole thing. I intervene when I see him chasing them, but the best solution is to keep him in his coop/run combo. I don't like keeping him penned up all the time, but I think it's best for the younger ones. My questions are:

-will the young ones be hurt by him doing this and not be able to lay?

-would they even let him do that if they were'nt physically able to handle it?

-should i just get rid of him completely?

I am sure there are more, but we'll start with this! I appreciate any insight from members. I am a total newbie at this, and have much to learn.


You're certain they're only 12 weeks old?? I always thought that roosters wouldn't try to mount pullets until they were about laying age??? But then again, I've read of roosters mounting inanimate objects before, as well as people's hands or I would keep him separated from them. I think he's hormonally challenged, and they shouldn't have to worry about being molested (lol) for at least another month.
Give him a stuffed animal to "play with."
Lock him up for a couple weeks. Those girls will be ready before you know it.
My two cockerels started going after the pullets as soon as their hormones hit, @ 10 weeks old. The girls carried on and screamed, but eventually got very good about avoiding the two males. Sometimes they weren't able to avoid them and no harm was done to the pullets. It looks alot worse than it is.
Sometimes the object is not the mating, but the domination.
Ya'll have made me feel better. I really thought he was doing harm to them.

Teach, I thought the same thing about the age issue, but he's trying anyway! I will keep him put up for a while-he's still comfortable, so I won't worry too much. He is 'molesting' them! I told him if he were human he'd really be locked up!!!!

gristar-it does look pretty bad, but I think youre on to something there with the domination thing.

Thank you both so much!
I know what you mean… None of my silkies ever accept the Roo's (Showgirl that is 9 months old) advances. His idea of romance is more of a tactical assault, waiting until he spots one from behind eating something and then he runs at full speed with both wings down and jumps on top of them. I swear they are screaming "rape" but by the time I get over to them the whole thing is over... He seems to only do it in my presence and he knows I don’t approve. He and I always have words about it…
Tactical assault, now that's funny
! I was just telling my husband that I thought they just automatically mated, but I am learning something new everyday about them! Since you mentioned that, he does get more aggressive when we are outside too, usually gardening. That's weird; you'd think it'd be the opposite.
The hens generally love me as I feed them treats 3 times a day so I think he is trying to reclaim them. Also, I always maintain that I am the flock leader, I think that is important, and he battles me for the position.


Wow, i knew you had to do that with dogs, but not chickens! First new thing on my list of what i've learned today!
While you are outside he's showing you that HE is master of his flock. Back to the domination thing. Read my BYC if you want for more insight into a roo's behavior.
I allow my roo to mate anytime he wants now, but not before he and I came to an understanding.
I have never seen my roo mate the girls, and I spend a lot of time out there with them. I know he is doing his job though, I have 15 chicks from him! I never see him eat either, but he must be doing that too as he's pretty big and healthy.
I got him as an adult and I had other roos in the same pen that didn't allow him to do anything, mate, eat or crow. I gave away the rest of the roos so he is the only one now. I think I kept the best roo I've ever had! He is really good to the girls and very polite to me.

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