help on re-intoroducing muscovy


8 Years
May 8, 2011
hi all, i've recently got myself a new drake, if he wasn't such a fine speciman he would be in the freezer!

when i've tried to re-introduce the last two mums back into the coop after theyve hatched out and mothered their ducklings, the drake is absoluting messing them up, ripping the feathers out of the back of their heads, in between the wings on their back and matting up the tips of the wings to the point that they come out bleeding in the morning. after a few days ive taken them out of the pen for a week to chill out then re-introduced them back in successfully.

does anyone have any experience of ******* drakes like this one and have they found a better way to deal with it?

my previous drakes have all been nice and i've never had the problem before. the drake came from a large flock and i'm presuming this was how he had to act to survive in the world.
I haven't had any experience with this exactly but what about removing him, then reintroducing the hens. Give everyone a few days without him and then reintroduce him. He'll be the new guy in the flock then.
Otherwise, the freezer? :)
I haven't had any experience with this exactly but what about removing him, then reintroducing the hens. Give everyone a few days without him and then reintroduce him. He'll be the new guy in the flock then.
Otherwise, the freezer? :)

I agree with removing him and letting him be the new guy on the block.
thanks! good idea, i'll let you know how things go

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