Help! Pecking order issues!


7 Years
Oct 18, 2012
Live free or die baby!
I recently added two new pullets to our small flock. There were only two other hens in the coop when I added the two new pullets. I let them meet each other on a guarded basis at first and kept them separated with fencing, then I introduced them to the coop at night a few days later. All was going well (although they weren't hanging out together, it was basically two pairs of chickens and not a flock of four), and then one of the pullets got sick with something and died within 24 hours. It was quite sad. The problem now is that the two "older" hens will not allow the one younger hen into the coop and she is sleeping outside in the run up in one of the roosts. This is all okay, but winter is quickly approaching here in New England, and I worry about her freezing or getting frostbite. So my question to all of you is- is there a way to make them all play nice?? when they free range they won't hang out together and when they are in the run, they avoid each other all together. How do I get the older hens to accept the new hen as one of their own? Thanks for your help guys!
Thanks, I'll try that. That's how they were introduced initially so maybe it will work again. Do you think I should put her in and close the coop door for the night or leave it open so she can get out again if she so desires? Thanks again for your help.

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