HELP! Peritonitis and gurgling

As far as the gurgling, she ends up doing a weird cough/sneeze that almost knocks her over. When she calms down, the gurgling goes away. I'm wondering if she somehow got a respiratory infection or if it is related to the ascites?
Thanks for your responses, I really appreciate it. Out of all the reading I've done, it seems like a lot of the birds will get suddenly better before passing. I have to leave in two days and I guess if she is not looking exceptionally better, I might put her down so she doesn't have to deal with being miserable at the end. I dunno. She munched on some scratch grains but I don't think she's drinken anything yet.

That is exactly what my experience has been. They definitely feel better after the fluid is drained off and if there is infection the antibiotic's clear it up, for the time being. But the fluid always returns and usually the infection as well if they had one initially. The birds I have treated, with the help of my avian vet, improved quite a bit initially, even laid a normal egg or two, but then would take a turn for the worse and die. I've just never had a good outcome and after spending $$$ and time I finally decided to put them down when I can see that it's time. If there was a better chance for a good outcome that would be different.
No she wasn't, but I didn't poke anywhere near where her lungs should be. Back end, and inch or two under her vent.
No she wasn't, but I didn't poke anywhere near where her lungs should be. Back end, and inch or two under her vent.
It's possible that she had fluid in her crop and aspirated some when you drained her. Here is a picture of the air sacs:


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