Help Please!!! hen with quarter size wound and about 1/4 inch deep!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 26, 2013
What caused this!! how should i treat it!? could this be from a virus or parasite? the hen is a year old but i have 7 week old chicks and one almost has no feathers on its back. It is very wet her now if that could have anything to do with it. I did spread some sevin around today. Please help me!
Do you have a rooster that may be doing the damage? Maybe your hen escaped from a predator. She needs to have her wound cleaned out with saline solution and then apply some Neosporin (NO pain relief ingredients)., and kept away from others who would peck her wound and make it worse. Your chicks may have lice or mites, or may be you have a "picker" amongst them who is tearing out the feathers. You need to observe and see what is occurring when you aren't watching.
I have watch and have not noticed any pecking from the others. Today i treated for lice and mites with sevin so hope that works! Thanks! I think i will try spraying blu-kote on the wound today till the feed store opens tomorrow.
I agree with drumstick diva. there could be some feather plucking going on. I would separate her from the others for a while.
Good luck to you.

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