Help please! I'm worried about my chick!


Jul 12, 2022
I recently got chicks, I don't know exactly how old they are (a week old maybe) but one is alot smaller than the others. Yesterday she would barley move. she just stood still. We thought she was constipated and cleaned her butt with warm water. Although everything looks clean she is still not nearly as active as she has been the first few days and she doesn't hang out with her siblings(all she would do is stand and lay down). She drank a little bit of water but I haven't seen her eat or poop. I really don't know what to do since I am new to owning chickens and I really don't want her to die. Please can anyone help me. :(
What is her food? Are the other chicks acting ok? Try some sugar water with some egg yolk and get her to drink.
Is she's much smaller, it could be failure to thrive, something's wrong inside and after she used the leftover yolk up, her body isn't allowing her to use the nutrients from food.
Her food is poultry feed
What is her food? Are the other chicks acting ok? Try some sugar water with some egg yolk and get her to drink.
Is she's much smaller, it could be failure to thrive, something's wrong inside and after she used the leftover yolk up, her body isn't allowing her to use the nutrients from food.
Her food is poultry feed from farm and fleet, the other chicks are acting fine. I'll add a picture of her with the other chicks so you can see her size
Do you have solid coconut oil? Feed her several small chunks. If she won’t take it willingly, try to wedge open her beak with your fingertip.
She sounds badly constipated. And trust me, this helps them. The oil is good for them and clears out their system. It gets everything moving.
And do you have NutriDrench or raw egg yolk? Put a couple drops of straight NutriDrench in her beak. And if you can put some raw egg yolk in a dropper and get her to eat it, that will help. She’ll taste it and immediately want more.

I have a lot of practice in reviving sick and constipated babies - I have a habit of rescuing them from stores. They don’t always make it. But you’d be surprised what some TLC can do.

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