help please!!!!!! maggots on chickens backside


9 Years
May 24, 2010
Long Island, NY
This is my second girl to get maggots this year. I try to keep up with baithing them if they get to caked up with poop. I just noticed a bloody spot on her behind and when I washed her off there were maggots everywhere on her skin and crawling in her vent. I sprayed poultry wound spray on her. Is there anything I can do to help her recover? We had to put another one of my girls down a month ago because she was far worse off with them and I love this girl. I hope I don't have to do that to her. Help!
Hi there, sorry to hear about your poor bird.

This thread might help

"Treatment involves physical removal of the maggots, wound flushing and cleansing, removal of remaining dead tissue or fecal matter, clipping hair from the area to aid in drying of the affected areas, and often an antibiotic to speed healing. Also, the inciting cause of the myiasis (i.e. diarrhea) must be addressed and treated to prevent reinfection of the maggots."
You need to clean off the area well with soap & water, cut away all the matted feathers. Find exactly where the maggots are coming from, it's likely a fresh wound to the skin. Using a syringe irrigate that area with Hydrogen peroxide liberally. Try to keep it out of the vent itself. You are going to have to do this twice a day to start out with, once you have irrigated well, wash area again with water, pat dry and apply an antibiotic ointment. Isolate the bird. Keep her in a dry, cool area. Keep her box scrupulously clean, change bedding daily. Increase protein in her diet, she will need thet to rebuild skin & feathers.
While you're at it, check all your other birds. If their bums are poopy, wash them and cut away matted feathers.
The best way to avoid fly strike is to clean the coop frequently. Removing all poop etc. so the flies have nothing of interest there. Hang a couple of fly papers(out of reach of the chickens).
Please keep us updated on progress,
Thank you so much. I just ordered ivermectin so that should be coming in a couple of days. I gave her 2 saline baths and got a lot of them off her. Letting her take a break now. She is locked on my deck for now but I will be bringing her in the basement tonight. I will try to take a picture of the wound.
This is Wynonna last night. We removed all the maggots. Cleaned the wound and applied blue kite. She is resting in a huge dog cage in our basement to heal. She's eating and drinking well and pooping. The problem now is the mass that broke through the skin that is sticking out. It has hardened a bit and we are worried that her skin will not heal over it. Any suggestions for what we can do to close the wound? Will her body retract the mass itself? Thanks for your help.
i see you're from LI --- the best livestock vet that i know of is in mattituck --- Dr Andreisen (mattituck-laurel vet hosp --- the ph is 631-298-1198) ...he may be able to help regarding treatment with the removal of the mass --- his rates are extremely reasonable and he's one of the kindest people you'll ever meet... good luck in any case

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