Help please ! quail chicks dying


In the Brooder
Apr 2, 2018
Hello, I hope you are all well.

I have recently hatched some Californian quail chicks. They all hatched perfectly and will be okay for about 2 days before they seem to just drop dead. They will be running about and happy and then go limp and die. I've attached a video. I have no idea what it could be - they have a hot and cold spot they can go to in the brooder, they were eating definitely and I assume drinking (though I can't really tell as I only had 4 of them and the water could have been drunk or evaporated). I can check on them and two hours later one is dead. They are being fed the correct chick feed and I've checked the temperature. I have attached a photo video - any help would be greatly appreciated! thank you x


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