Help please!


8 Years
Aug 2, 2011
I need help to get my pet duck to be safe trough the night until I can get her to a vet tomorrow.I think she is really sick I suppose she is dehydrated and I believe she wants to eat something but can not.I have offered her everything like her regular food wich is a pelleted food from Purina for Waterfowls ,oatmeal, crackers ,bread ,meal wormsToday when I left for work she at least had a piece of bread and she was outside in the yard ,she has been eating less for a couple of days but I was not to worried because that happened to her last time she stopped laying eggs.But this time she is weak and kind of can not walk right it is like her feet are dry because you can see that they fold when she walks.I put her inside the mesh cage where she sleeps and she kind of fell to a side I pick her up and now she is in my bed on top of several layers of protection ,when she poops is water and not even that often Can anybody help me? If they are dehydrated wopld they open their beak as if it was slightly stuck because she has done this since I came back home Please help me ,she is very important to me and a very nice pet
My e-mail is [email protected] you in advence for any help .she is a Muscovy duck and she is like 14 month old.Her name is Pita
Bless you,
The best thing I can suggest to get her through the night is to keep her warm and calm maybe try giving her some sugar water and possibly vits using an eye dropper or syringe.
Hopefully someone else will chime in with more advice.
Hope she gets better its such a worrying time when they are ill
Can you open her bill to see if there's something stuck in there? I don't think it's healthy to give ducks bread because they can choke on it, so I'd look and see if there's something stuck. Make sure she has plenty of water.
Thank you so much for taking the timeto help us .She is now resting and from time to time I offer her water ,she takes a few sips and she ate a meal worm .I have a small plastic syringe ,should I put water in her mouth ? I appreciate your help ! I live in Miami in the middle of the city and there are not a lot of people that know about ducks including myself ,I have not been able to find a lot of information online either.
My husband and I have 3 cats, 1 quacker parrot, 2 dogs, and my beloved Pita,she plays with me in the yard and I hate that she is sick. She shakes her head like trying to get rid of something from her mouth and I don't know what to do to help her.I don't think she is in pain or anything but something is bothering her,Could it be that she is dehydrated and her mouth is dry and that bothers her?
Sorry to take more of your time and thank you again
JulieNKC makes a good point it could be some sort of blockage try syringing some oil into her throat and massaging it down it could solve the problem and I wouldn't have thought it would do any harm if it turns out not to be the case.
As for the water dissolve some sugar into it and try her with it if she will take it herself thats good
I would not syringe ANYTHING into her mouth unless you KNOW that it wont go into her lungs.. which is very hard to do right.
If she is sipping water.. thats good for now, until you can get her to the vets..
Is she egg bound?? Can you check her bottom to see if theres an egg stuck inside??
Thank you Julie, Iam just afraid of hurting her ,I tried to open her beak and she just tries to back of and I will have to force her to stay put .I am by myself tonight,y husband is spending 2 nights at a church retreat,I know about the bread and I just use it sporadically.She eats Purina Waterfowl maintenance pellets and romaine lettuce and watermelon and then she stays in our yard until 6 or 6:30 then she comes inside and I give her pellets again and then I put her inside a fabric mesh cage where she sleeps and lays her eggs.Other strange thing is that 3 days ago when all this started I noticed in the morning that she did not lay an egg ,I fed her and then she went outside when I came back my mother showd me 2 eggs that she gad layed outdoors.! was a normal egg,while the other one resembled a boiled egg .Does this tell you anything?
When she was younger ,like 5 month ago she was sick and I took her to Wildlife Center and she even had to ahve surgery because she had eaten few screws and other metals fron the yard and I am terrified that this might be the case again because they will not take her again since they do not do private citizen pets and I dont have that kind of money.I feel physically sick I am dizzy and terrified .All my life since I was in Cuba we have had pets but never a duck
Sorry to be talking this much is just that I know you guys are out there and that make me feel that everything will be fine

Yes I am afraid of that bronchial aspiration thing .That happen to her when she was at the hospital and they intubate it her.How do I do to find if she has an egg inside so I dont hurt her?
I put salt and sugar in her water and she even stand up and started to drink more avidly. But her feet are still kind of dry? they fold when she walks and stay a bit longer than mormal that way I will compare to when you pull your skin from your hands and it stays a few second folded up

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