I just picked up 13 ducklings this morning. (mailed from cackle hatchery) 9 Welsh Harlequins. 1 of the WH's is quite a bit smaller than the other, and at first she seemed just a littel jerky, and her head was always tipped up. Then she started have foam and bubbles coming out of her nose. Now she will lay down, only to pop up seconds later and try to run around, but she top heavy and keeps on falling on her face and doing a head stand, or flipping over. And she has jerky motions with her body.
WHAT should I do?? I don't want to lose her, she is so precious, but I don't want her to suffer, or if it is a disease, infect the other ducklings. Any suggestions or advice would be helpful. Is there anything I can do to help her, should I put her in a seperate little box where she cant hurt herself, or do I have to put her down? Please oh please help.
WHAT should I do?? I don't want to lose her, she is so precious, but I don't want her to suffer, or if it is a disease, infect the other ducklings. Any suggestions or advice would be helpful. Is there anything I can do to help her, should I put her in a seperate little box where she cant hurt herself, or do I have to put her down? Please oh please help.