Help please


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 10, 2014
Hi all

I recently bought six Pekin ducks and I am loving every minute of being a duck owner. I have a few questions though. I am extremely new to this and being from New York, there aren't many duck owners that I know. We bought our ducks from a pet shop the week of Easter. They love to eat, drink, and swim. They seem healthy but I have noticed that they have diarrhea. I get Nutrena from the store where I bought the ducks. That is the only brand they carry. They weren't sure how old they were (said a few weeks - between 3-7) I am not sure if it is the food I am feeding them. Also two of the ducks have very pale pink beaks . They were like that when we got them and they haven't changed to the bright orange like the others. I wasn't sure if this is normal or not. I do research everyday to learn more about them and recently bought a guidebook (which seems to be helping) If you know any other books or sites for me to look at to get a better understanding or learn all I can about my new pets that would be great. I currently have them living in the house with me because I just bought it and major construction is going on in the yard. I was hoping for it to be done within the two weeks after getting them (but things came up) They should be completely outside and in their pen by the end of this week. As of now I let them roam one side of the house and put them in the tub 3-4 times a day for 10-15 minutes each time. I also bring them out in the front of my house (which is gated and they are supervised) so they can walk on the grass and be outside for a little.I have not treated the grass because I heard it was bad for the ducks. If you need any other information please let me know.

This may sound strange, but since you said you are new to duck parenting, I thought I'd ask it anyway. Are you aware that duck poop can be and usually is, very runny and soft? It goes from slightly formed to very loose. It will also vary in color according to what they eat. I have seen very dark to very bright green, depending on what I have fed them. So, is it actually true diarrhea or maybe just your introducktion to ducks? And their rather messy ways? Sometimes it is hard to tell. Amiga is right, don't want to downplay anything, because it could be serious, so if you have an avian vet in the area, perhaps you could take a stool sample in to be tested?
Welcome Ashley,

The pale bills may not be a problem - as far as I know, there is some variation in bill color. Sounds like you have Pekins. Am I correct?

For books, the two I have and love are The Ultimate Pet Duck Guidebook by Kimberly Link (Majestic Waterfowl Rescue) and Storey's Guide to Raising Ducks by David Holderread (duck breeder for over 40 years).

BYC Duck Forum is a great resource.

Especially the Stickies, you can see the link in blue letters at the top of the DF list of threads - in there is one on Raising Ducklings - I recommend that.

Don't be shy about posting a photo of their poop. If they are getting treats without having had grit, that could be problematic. Or they could just be out of balance and some probiotics would help.

There are diseases that can cause diarrhea so I don't want to downplay anything. But often it's something they ate.
Hi Amiga - Yes I have Pekin ducks - I did buy the book by Kimberly Link (I am happy I read it - I had a duck with a blood feather last night and knew exactly what to do because of that book) I am now going to order the other book you mentioned - thank you very much - I will check out the raising ducks link in BYC - thanks for all the info

Hi veronicasmom - I did not know that - I knew they have soft stool and since I bought them they were having soft full stool and these last few days has been wet (diarrhea like) it ranges from light brown to very dark brown.They are having a mixture of the soft full and the wet. If that is how they are I will not worry. I will make sure I have some more grit available to them - maybe I am not giving them enough? - I do have an avian vet right near my house - made sure I found one before I bought the ducks - I will call and ask them a few questions as well before bringing the ducks there.

I am a huge worrywart when it comes to my animals and the slightest thing wrong I think the worst. SO thank you both for all your information. I feel better - You can't always get the answers from a book so thank you for helping me.

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