Help! quail is lame!


Dec 8, 2019
I have a female manchurian golden quail which has a lame foot. I just figured this out 30 minutes ago. My dad said we should butcher it, should we? I put it in a separate cage on the grass with food and water right by it. It is 69 fahrenheit out right now. Please help!
If it's just a matter of being lame for a short time, it is likely the leg will mend; especially if she is eating and drinking. If she has been lame for a long period your dad may be correct.
She is healing up little by little! I am keeping her on the grass for the day and putting her in a outside closet for the night.
Yeah, I just went out there ( I have a sprained ankle ) So this is my first time to go out since yesterday. She is walking around fine (unlike me LOL ) so we are putting her in the cage today.

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