Help-sick chicken again


12 Years
Jan 19, 2011
I have 20 chickens and 1 rooster. Barred Rocks, Austrolorps, Buff Orphanton, Black sexlinks, and Americanas. Bedding is Pure pine shavings, They eat Tractor and supply chicken crumble and scratch. Just 2 months ago I lost 2 chickens to a sickness where they were doing strange stretching of their necks like they couldnt swallow. Then they became lethorgic (sp ? ) They would just stand around with their eyes shut .
When it came down to the moment of picking them up to check them out to see how they were Green fluid was just oozing forcefully out of their mouths when I picked them up. I did get rid of them right away when I saw this . I didn't know what else to do. I put all of the chickens on antibiotics for 2 wks and waited 1 wk later to start eatting the eggs again. Hope that was the right thing to do. They seemed much better. Now I have a barred rock who is 5 yrs old and she is having the symtoms as I have seen before She isn't moving her neck around yet but the swallowing seems difficult for her. She is just sitting around doing nothing. Should I take her out of the flock or should I treat all of them right away again with antibiotics ?
I was giving them Duramycin-10. 2 tsps to a gallon for 1 wk and then 1tsp a gallon the second wk. They did get better but I don't know if I did the right thing. There is no one around this community that knows about chickens and their illnesses. Please help. I really didn't want to lose anymore chickens to this horrible illness or disease.
Sounds like sour crop. Sour crop can be a primary disease, but more often it's a secondary infection that occurs after the bird's immune system is weakened by something else.
It depends entirely on what is causing the problem. Sour crop is caused by an overgrowth of some microorganism, but that can be fungal or bacterial. Different types of antibiotics are effective against different microorganisms, so unless you know what your chickens are infected with, choosing an antibiotic at random is no guarantee of a cure. And if it's secondary to something systemic, then the organism causing the sour crop may be different from the organism that weakened the bird in the first place. Sour crop is most commonly a yeast overgrowth, kind of like thrush in human babies. So most antibiotics aren't any good anyway, you'd need something that acts as an antifungal.
I'll watch to see how she is in a few more days. If she seems worse I'll put her in her own cage . She is one of my oldest birds. I was even wondering if the rooster was stressing out the hens to much running them around like he does. He is a big Austrolorp and towers over my hens.

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