Help - Sick Duck??


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 23, 2012

I have too call ducks.

When i let them out in the morning, the female is usually very vocal and goes straight for the food.

This moving she wasn't moving, I took her out her house and she looked dazed and confused. Her left wing and leg seemed to be shivering and shaking. When placed into the run she just stood there staring into space. When she did move it was very slow, and not in a straight line, almost like a limp. There appears to be no sign of physical injury.

Both ducks had a very nice weekend, most of which the spent bathing in fresh water, although its been a while since we changed out the hey where they sleep (about 4 weeks).

Any ideas what the problem is? Is she Ill? Or maybe was she about to lay? It hard to tell because we only get about 7-8 eggs a year from her so I've never observed her behavior while laying.

Any Ideas/advice?

For the record, she was her normal self the night before. It took me a while to catch her

I have too call ducks.

When i let them out in the morning, the female is usually very vocal and goes straight for the food.

This moving she wasn't moving, I took her out her house and she looked dazed and confused. Her left wing and leg seemed to be shivering and shaking. When placed into the run she just stood there staring into space. When she did move it was very slow, and not in a straight line, almost like a limp. There appears to be no sign of physical injury.

Both ducks had a very nice weekend, most of which the spent bathing in fresh water, although its been a while since we changed out the hey where they sleep (about 4 weeks).

Any ideas what the problem is? Is she Ill? Or maybe was she about to lay? It hard to tell because we only get about 7-8 eggs a year from her so I've never observed her behavior while laying.

Any Ideas/advice?

When you go into their house can you smell ammonia? this can be unhealthy for ducks to breathe, but what you describing sounds more like an egg laying problem. Can you put her into some warm water and let her float around for a while, Keep a close eye on her though you don't wan her to drown, warm water can help them relax and maybe if it's an egg she'll lay it. I'd dif put her someplace after soak where you can keep an eye on her maybe a small pen so you can make sure she is eating and drinking and not being harassed by a drake if your other one is a drake.
No smell of ammonia no. Ok will try the warm water when i get home. It was her eyes that worried me also, looked tired
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No smell of ammonia no. Ok will try the warm water when i get home. It was her eyes that worried me also, looked tired
I just lost a duck to being egg bound so I know the look, I actually soaked her in warm water for close to 2 hrs she finally laid one egg but must have had more because she didn't make it. She also had yolky stuff come out so i'm thinking an egg broke inside. So be on the look out for this when you look at her any discharge from vent? Hope I'm wrong with your duck, do all you can.

I worried it might be Botulism. They get fresh water every morning, but the water the swim in is pretty mucky.

My Mrs is on the way home now so i'm about to find out how shes doing!

I worried it might be Botulism. They get fresh water every morning, but the water the swim in is pretty mucky.

My Mrs is on the way home now so i'm about to find out how shes doing!
That could be too we have a thread on flushes I'll get the link, just this time of year don't see it as often as in hot months.

Having got home and had a look at her, she seems to be walking ok, unlike this morning. I'm wondering if something spooked her overnight and shes either banged her head and suffering from a bit of concussion or maybe a bit of shock. Either way shes not her usual vocal self.. Interestingly her male partner seems to be acting ultra aggressive atm.

Who knows? we've put them to bed with some epsom salts and electrolytes so lets see what tomorrow brings. Certainly feeling a lot more positive then this morning.

Many Thanks for all your replies.

Having got home and had a look at her, she seems to be walking ok, unlike this morning. I'm wondering if something spooked her overnight and shes either banged her head and suffering from a bit of concussion or maybe a bit of shock. Either way shes not her usual vocal self.. Interestingly her male partner seems to be acting ultra aggressive atm.

Who knows? we've put them to bed with some epsom salts and electrolytes so lets see what tomorrow brings. Certainly feeling a lot more positive then this morning.

Many Thanks for all your replies.
To her? being over mated by an aggressive drake can cause problems too, stress to the point of death. Please don't over do on the flushes they can cause dehydration. Let us know how they are in the morning.

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