help! sick peacock

Red and blue bacteria both in a slide are gram neg and gram positive. Blue are gram positive. Red are gram negative. In the poop, it is likely normal to see both.
If there is 100% of one or the other, usually that means that one organism has taken over. (infection), but without the culture you can not be sure which one. Some antibiotics work better for gram negatives and some for gram positives. Gram stains are usually done to give a really quick preliminary result while waiting for a culture to grow.

I am a generalist not a microbiology specialist. I may be able to get one of my co-workers to do a culture if we can sneak it in.
Thanks for explaining that in terms that I can remember *and* understand!
It's all so much clearer now! And I do know that Baytril is highly effective against both gram positive *and* gram negative bacteria, but something like Tylan (tylosin) is more of a gram positive antibiotic.
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He got all meds this morning. Metro, antibiotic, pancur for parasites, and prednisone. This afternoon I gave him a second dose of pred and got 8-10 blueberries down him. Tonight I will do the metro, antibiotics and try some scrambled egg.
Glad he is getting better.
You have done a great job

I would like to say that feeding whole foods when he has been on these meds is probably not a good idea, his system has been flushed of the good and bad bacteria from the meds and he needs them to digest foods as well as grit in his gizzard sense he has been housebound that is probably empty right now, so i would feed him scrambled eggs and his grain softened in water.

Probotics are great after all the meds are done, really helps them bounce back faster.
I have some goat probotics should I give him some?? He is thin. I am worried about him. I am going to call the vet again tomorrow to see how long he expects it to take for me to see improvement from the steroids.Poop looks about the same, but I think part of it is that he just has not eaten much. I will do some soaked scrambled egg tonight.
I have some goat probotics should I give him some?? He is thin. I am worried about him. I am going to call the vet again tomorrow to see how long he expects it to take for me to see improvement from the steroids.Poop looks about the same, but I think part of it is that he just has not eaten much. I will do some soaked scrambled egg tonight.
if he is still on meds it will do no good to give him anything to get the gut floral back to where it needs to be, so as soon as those are done try to get him to take some yogart ansd use them goat probotics.
Why didn't your vet run cultures on your bird right off the bat? that confuses me a little i mean you need to know what you are treating that is why you went to them. or mabe i missed the post where they did

I have had injured birds that acted terribly sick and had i not seen the hurt themselves landing or flying into something and i would have been treating them for something they did not have, just sayen

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