Help! Sick Silkie Chick


6 Years
Apr 25, 2013
Hey all, I'm new here but having a bit of an emergency. I have a month 1/2 old silkie pullet with severe weight loss, one eye shut with mucous, white stool under vent/surrounding feathers. She also is rasping/rattling/coughing whenever she breathes, almost like a clacking sound? She's all skin and bones and I can't figure out what is wrong. She also keep opening and closing her beak like she's trying to get air. Please, please help! I don't want to lose my baby.
Sounds like an upper resperatory infection and or phnemonia. Unsure on what antibiotics you would use with a chick, I work in a small animal vet clinic and we don't treat chicks. Possibly contact a local farm vet??

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