HELP!!! So many pips and then nothing

The moment I put that one in with the rest it flipped onto it's back and the other started pecking it...
All chicks are cute. Quail chicks are perhaps the cutest chicks of all. But no matter how cute any chick is they seldom tolerate any sighs of weakness in their nest mates.

I think that splayed leg and cross beak is usually the result of poor incubation practices.

If you want to learn more about the care and feeding of hatching eggs or their incubation click on the following link.

Here is a hatching guide from our friends at Georgia Quail Farm. Add it (or both of these links) to your favorites bar, they may come in handy.
I also call your attention to the bar at the bottom of this handy dandy hatching guide from GQF. This bar highly suggest that when you are hatching eggs that nothing is written in stone.
Also notice that no warnings are given about excess humidity except when and unless there is condensation inside the incubator or hatcher. Temp Chart.pdf

We should forget about nature's creatures not being able to get along without us. Nature's creatures got along without us before they met us, they can get along without us now.

BTW, The air we breath is 000400% carbon dioxide (Co2). Chicks seem to hatch better with the atmosphere at .5% to 1% carbon dioxide (Co2). Go figure.
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wow you had a great hatch it went well post a pic of them now and if anymore hatch try to get a pic or vid of it try and get a pick of the spayed legs wans aswell
One last egg hatched. The three remaining eggs never pipped. The two with splayed leg look fine now. They just needed a day or two to strengthen their legs. I had one that looked like it maybe had neurological problems, because it just lay on it's side and wouldn't stand up. I thought it would die overnight, but when I looked at it this morning it looked like a totally different chick! It was standing, walking, and peeping! I only had the one mortality early on. I don't know why that one died. It was the second to hatch and I found it that morning already dead. So, I have 107 healthy chicks!!!

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