HELP! Sores on combs and wattles

With my birds, they all developed the wet pox. That kills mainly because the wind pipe and throat get closed up with the lesions. I had one that was gasping and wheezing. When I looked down his throat his entire windpipe was covered over. I had to use some tweezers and surgical forceps to reach down and pull a big hunk of gunk out of his windpipe.

I do think it is a seasonal thing. When my birds got it last year, it was during our hot, rainy season when we get several inches a day, every day, for months. The ground and everything else stays wet. So far this year, no one has gotten it.
I think some of my chickens have this. I went to a vet Saturday with two of them. The Ameraucana mix had an irritated eye and the Buff Orpington had the black spots on her face. The vet told me to put them on tetracycline which I started Saturday evening. I will also take your advice and dab some iodine on the ones that have black spots. Now I'm terrified it's going to get into their mouths and throats. I'm glad I looked up this thread for further advice because the vet just called it a virus, didn't know what it was.
One of my girls has sores on her chin and under her beak, but they look like they are scabbed over. Morgan, I was wondering what type of probiotic you use on yours. Is there a certain brand that works better? Thanks for the help!
Yes it is pox. We are eat up with it here in North Florida. This year it is worse from all the extra rain we have had. It comes from and is spread by the mosquitos although some feel it can be spread by teh scabs falling off. My feeling is if a mosquito bit one the others have gotten bit already too so I don't isolate them unless they are severe enough that they feel bad and don't eat or their eyes swell shut. Most don't seem to notice their spots. If goes away whether you do anything or not. You hope for the dry version as it is not so bad. Luckily I have not had the wet with the lesions in the throat. Although some have had it on their nostrils.
If chickens have been treated with iodine and antibiotics, is it possible for them to get fowl pox again? I cleared up my hens a year ago but some of them seem to have small black spots on their combs again.

Also, when y'all say probiotics where do you get them and how do you administer them?
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If chickens have been treated with iodine and antibiotics, is it possible for them to get fowl pox again? I cleared up my hens a year ago but some of them seem to have small black spots on their combs again.

Also, when y'all say probiotics where do you get them and how do you administer them?
I don't know. None of mine that had it last year got it this year but I have read where people have said that they "became immune" then some that said "immune to some strains" and some that said "may become immune" so I don't know for sure...
Thanks for the information on the fowl pox. Made it through most of an unusually wet summer. I remember our chickens getting it when I was just a kid and that was a long time ago. I will start using the iodine tomorrow. I put KG ointment on them yesterday and today. No other chickens have it now. Old timers used to say if you rub their combs with Vaseline it will prevent mosquito bites. Has anyone ever heard of this or know if it is true or harmful.? If my hens get it will it ruin their eggs.?
Apple cider vinegar with the "mother" is a good way to administer probiotics. I put a few tablespoons in their waterer everyday along with the vitamins.
Thank you all for the good info. Now I'm going to go doctor Cocoa's sores. Poor babies. I hope everyone's birds recover soon.

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