Help!!! Torn skin...


Jul 11, 2015
Today I went out and found my hen that looked like the skin and feathers had been ripped apart under her wing. The skin has seperated from the muscle but there is not any blood. I don't have a vet that will see her and I'm worried about her being in pain.
That looks pretty bad, but I would make some saline solution, or go buy some at Walmart or a drug store. Apply some saline to some 4x4 gauze squares or a clean wer wash cloth to fit the wound. Make the dresiing wet, but not sopping. Let that get almost dry, say in 6-8 hours, and apply a new one.That will keep the wound clean and covered, so that the skin will start to close the wound eventually in a few weeks. Or get some Telfa pads in the first aid aisle, and apply neosporin to the wound, and put a piece of Telfa on the wound, cutting it to fit. When some healing has occured in a few days, start applying some plain neosporin ointment twice a day to keep it moist. No dressing. Make sure that she is separated, and is eating and drinking. Watery chicken feed, chopped egg, and a tsp of yogurt daily will help her nutrition. Keep clean water and some dry feed available. When eating well, you can stop the watery feed. Chickens are amazing at recovering from bad wounds, as long as they haven't any internal injuries. Normal saline cqn be made on the stove with a quart or liter of water, a tsp of salt, and boil it, then reduce to a simmer for 15 minutes, then store it in a clean container. Sorry about your hen. Do you know what attacked her?
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Thank you so much for the help. It is on her kinda under her wing. I think that my rooster did it trying to mate with her. I'm cutting his spurs tomorrow.
That looks pretty large for just spurs. That can make some big gauges, but that looks like something torn her skin off. Try to dull the ends of the spurs. I tried to trim my rooster's spurs since they were growing into the backs of the leg, and I just twisted them off with pliers. They were too thick to cut through or clip with dog nail clippers.
I checked the pen and I couldn't find anything else that would have done it. I am going to do a better check tomorrow. Thanks for all the great tips!!
Please check out this thread!

While I haven't had this issue, the lady on this thread has done an amazing job IMHO of figuring out exactly how to treat. Keeps the wound cleaner and protected so it can heal.

@Eggcessive had some great suggestions. Do separate her and maybe bring in a companion from the flock to be with her (one that is really mellow). I would probably crate two of mine and bring them inside until the wound starts to heal (but that's just me).
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