What you need to do to integrate new chix: set up a situation called "see but don't touch." So the chix are all side by side during the day where they can see each other but do no harm to one another. We did this in adjacent yards for about two weeks. Each group had their own separate roosts, in separate buildings (coops). There was a gate between them. One day we left the gate open. None of them noticed. When they did, it was just natural for them to all become one flock. Then one niht we shut the door to the babies' coop and they roosted on the floor of the big girls' coop. Over time they found places on ghe roosts.

Adapt that info to your situation. Find what works for you.
The op has no room in coop for them to nest

I know, @penny1960 , but if they know what the process is, they will know why we are telling them their coop is too small for the process. Nobody was explaining the process, which is what they asked for. If they know what they need to do, they can decide how to do it.
I had tried to explain how I do it. But op definately needs more space in the coop for this to go well. They will constantly pic on each other mostly at night until they have proper space. Separate them with the see but don’t touch method and separate housing at night. This will make transition during day better however if u throw them all in that coop at night after they “get used to each other” that will stress them. No room. They will peck at the lower on the pecking order ones most likely the newbies. 1 foot of roost space per bird is minimum standard. The roost are maybe 2 foot long....maybe.x2 roostsw

Edited to add to op...you asked what you were doing wrong. A lot of us see your space issue as what you are doing wrong
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I have chickens that have been with each other for their whole life, 10 months. And when they go up in the trees to sleep at night. one group sleeps on one side of the tree. and two chickens sleep together on the other side of the tree . That's how it's been for months. Not saying you should put your chickens in the trees or anything. But chickens do prefer more room to sleep at night it keeps the pecking order in order. That's just my experience and all I can tell you. If it were me I would give them a 6ft by five ft coop with roosting bars on ether side. That way one flock will get up earlier before the other flock and start free ranging . I have 6 layers and they sleep in a 3and a half by 4 ft coop and it's pretty tight. they were raised together from chicks and have a vary established pecking order. If was trying to add new birds to the flock I would go with a bigger coop. I do try to keep more docile breeds though.
So thus far no help. My chickens have 10 acres to go around in. They only go in the coop at night to sleep. Mixed with by the time winter comes we will only have 4 chickens so it will be perfectly fine come Winter when they will be more in the coop. I'm talking outside while free ranging but glad everyone is more concerned about the coop then any advice .

We do understand what you are saying, regardless they have 10 acres to roam, the coop is still too crowded for what you are trying to do at this time. Winter you will have only 4 chickens but in the mean time either rid yourself of the remainder or work another solution to the space in the coop.

It's always been recommended 4sq ft per chicken in a coop & 10 sq ft in a run but more the better. It does not matter how many you will end up with, it's the now. You are saying that they have enough room while free ranging and the newbies are getting picked on ... It's because they have not "integrated" into the flock but seen as "space mongers" in the coop. They are a threat, even when free ranging cause they have not been accepted by the flock due to the limited space in the coop.

We are not ignoring what you are saying, you are stuck thinking that just because they have all that space to free range, it's ok. It's not, the newbies are cramping the flock in the coop, hence they are being attacked while out.

I have 4 13wk old pullets in a 8 x 12 x 7 Chicken House, works as a coop/run, it's adequate and I would not add anymore

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