
In the Brooder
Mar 7, 2018
I just picked up 4 Royal Palm turkey poults today - I'm not sure of age...young because they still have their egg teeth, but some have larger wing feathers. One of the poults is wet on the underside. Eating and drinking fine. Acting like all the others. Upon inspection, it looks like it's vent is leaking a clear fluid and may be swollen or possibly slightly prolapsed. I continue to dry it off, but it stays wet. It's passing stool, but it doesnt squat and poop - it just slides out as it walks. Is there anything I need to do to help it? We've never owned turkeys before, so it's all a new world to us!!
I have turkeys but i've never seen or heard of this, altough turkey poults have a high death percent because their immunity system is really bad when they're small.
I make a mixture of honey water and a little bit of garlic and also some apple cider vinegar, alot of people do it and they also recommend it, garlic i guess has healing properties or something because whenever any of my animals get sick it can be fish to turkey i give them garlic and most of the time it helps them (be sure that the animal isn't allergic or anything to it) search on google "Magic water for poults" and you can probobly find some kind of recipe, i just put a little of eeverything wich works for me
I have turkeys but i've never seen or heard of this, altough turkey poults have a high death percent because their immunity system is really bad when they're small.
I make a mixture of honey water and a little bit of garlic and also some apple cider vinegar, alot of people do it and they also recommend it, garlic i guess has healing properties or something because whenever any of my animals get sick it can be fish to turkey i give them garlic and most of the time it helps them (be sure that the animal isn't allergic or anything to it) search on google "Magic water for poults" and you can probobly find some kind of recipe, i just put a little of eeverything wich works for me

Thank you! I'll make something up. I have added some sugar to their water. I also read on another thread that people use preparation H on chicks, so I dabbed it with a PrepH wipe (witch hazel). I also applied some Vetericyn Plus (states "vent prolapse" on the label), and finished off with some triple antibiotic ointment. I did notice it's umbilical cord still attached, so now I'm not so sure that it isn't something caused by an injury while hatching? It isn't completely prolapsed (no blood, internal membranes protruding), but definitely looks swollen.
never remove the umbilical cord because it's basically a vent for blood to flow out of, if it still has it's umbilical cord then it was hatched early, and the number one reason for this is that they hear the other chicks peep and then they also wanna hatch even though they're still ready.
The umbilical cord is supposed to dry up inside the egg but if it's there now it will eventually fall off.

Is it wet or dried?

One of my chickens died of it's umbilical cord was ripped out by it's mothers foot in the nest and it bled out :(
never remove the umbilical cord because it's basically a vent for blood to flow out of, if it still has it's umbilical cord then it was hatched early, and the number one reason for this is that they hear the other chicks peep and then they also wanna hatch even though they're still ready.
The umbilical cord is supposed to dry up inside the egg but if it's there now it will eventually fall off.

Is it wet or dried?

One of my chickens died of it's umbilical cord was ripped out by it's mothers foot in the nest and it bled out :(

The umbilical cord was dried out, but was being kept moist by the vent disharge. I soaked the poult for about 30 seconds in warm water yesterday to loosen any dried stool, dried it with a hair dryer (medium heat), applied the prep H wipe, then sprayed with vectericyn spray. By yesterday evening the swelling had gone down and it seemed to be squatting to poop like normal. I did another spray before bed, and this morning, it's underside, even it's feathers immediately around its vent are still dry! I gave it another spray, and it seems just as chipper as the other 3 poults. I did also add ACV and light brown sugar to their water and will continue that for another 2 days to help with shipping shock.

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