
May 22, 2020
i am incubating 5 WH and recently one of the eggs had been getting 42 degree and the other 37.5, We swap their places in the incubator but it still gets rlly hot despite the others being in the same place and being fine. Is it dead? :( Please get back
Did you candle them? are you rotating them regularly? and did you set up the incubator early and let the temperature regulate properly? 42c is very hot.
Yes we turn them, 5 times a day, candled them and they r are big and growing, humidity is like 25% but we are spraying them twice and are doing dry incubating, the top of the egg is 42c but then we test the bottom of the egg and its like 33c we will candle them again tonight
Hi i wonder if someone could advise me, i have two broody frizzle hens sitting on eggs i believe the eggs to be fertile from my old english game bantum cockral if the eggs hatch how long do i leave the chicks with the hens and do i provide chick crumb and water to the nest or just leave the mother hens to it?
Yes we turn them, 5 times a day, candled them and they r are big and growing, humidity is like 25% but we are spraying them twice and are doing dry incubating, the top of the egg is 42c but then we test the bottom of the egg and its like 33c we will candle them again tonight
I'm not sure what WH means. If they are chicken eggs, why are you spraying them? Do you see veins and movement when you candle. How's the air cell? The point of a fan is so you don't get hot spots, it's not for ventilation. By rotating, them meant moving them to different spots in the incubator. If you have no fan, it's best to move them around to keep growth even.

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