Help Us Rank Coops For The Coops Contest!

All 109 coops have been rated 5 times each!!! Great job everybody!!

I was going through answering all the questions and then noticed people posting that the job was complete!!!


Regarding email: The system doesn't do anything with your email other than use it to keep track of which items you've already seen or not seen (so you don't get the same coop over and over again). Your email isn't for any other purpose. When members received the "task complete" note it is because everyone worked WAY faster than we expected!!

This is the beauty of "groupsourcing" "crowdsourcing"!!
Now you guys know how we feel. People's eyes were crossing looking at 10 coops... imagine doing it for all 100 of them!!!!!

Basically this system automatically keeps track to randomly present all the options so each of the 109 coops ends up getting ranked 5 times. This means there were 545 tasks that were completed by everybody as a team!!!

Here's the breakdown of who contributed. Someone actually ranked all 109 coops!?!
(Note, I don't even have access to email addresses... just an arbitrary "worker ID"

Worker ID # Ranked
129641 109
129708 34
129718 30
129825 24
129824 24
129760 22
129703 18
129624 18
129743 18
129800 16
129746 15
129805 14
129766 14
129674 14
129818 12
129731 12
129796 10
129826 10
129709 10
129793 10
129797 8
129838 8
129803 8
129784 8
129822 8
129816 6
129813 6
129701 6
129707 6
129715 6
129745 6
129794 4
129834 4
129682 4
129656 4
129835 4
129833 4
129812 4
129828 4
129804 2
129802 2
129758 2
129751 2
129702 2
129650 2
129642 2
129606 2
129790 2

This shows how subjective the questions are... only 60% agreed on size and only 50% agreed on rank:

Question  Agreement (%) 
Determine The Coop Size 59.82%
Rate The Coop 49.9%

Again, great job everybody! We'll use the information to help speed up the final results!!!

Wow, I'm looking at the results and am just blown away at how great a job everybody did. The coops with the highest average score are REALLY good, and the ones with the lowest... well, the pages need more info and/or pics.

Also, a great job with the size rankings!

For sure we'll be doing this again in the future!
I can't believe how fast that worked. It might be something people could use to help vote during the online poultry show contests. Anyone can use that site, right?
I'm tempted to run it again since so many were willing to chip in and didn't get a chance.

Lisa, yes, anybody can use the site. It is a quite a bit technical and you have to pay to use it, but I've got all kinds of ideas on how we could use it. (Check your email)
Well, I didn't even get to SEE the coops much less vote on them - I got the "task completed" message - I guess it all happened so fast- if you do this again, it would be nice to do it in a way that everyone who wanted to could get in on it.

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