help w/ new chick breeds please!


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jan 3, 2009
Our 7 chicks have hatched yesterday and today(
), and i'm wondering if anyone can help with figuring out breeds.

i'm pretty sure the light yellow one is a leghorn. the other colors include 3 black w/ small yellow spots, 2 light brown with no other markings, and a light brown one with two dark brown stripes. (I don't think it's an EE cause the stripes don't cover the entire back. any guesses would be helpfull!

****I will try to add picks on 2/3/09****
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As far as I've read, Easter Eggers are sort of the 'mutt' of the chicken world, a variety of breeds. Is stripes for Easter Eggers significant, then?
The black could be ether be a black bird like an Australian orp or a barred bird like maybe a rock. Yellow is most likely a white somthing, maby a leghorn or cornish. The brown an brown with stripes could be almost any color besides black barred or white.
i have the pictures!!!!!
but i can't figure out how to post them
how do i upload a picture directly from the image zone? please tell me,
, or you won't get to see the little fluffy-butts

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