Help! We need Identifying!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 24, 2010

So I've got 12 chicks... and I'm mostly OK with that except I'm concerned I've got a whole flock of roos! There should be 3 different breeds here. Dom, Cuckoo Maran, and buff Orp. These were cheap chicks so they could really be anything. All help appreciated.
I have no clue if they are all roos but they are so stinking cute!!! Congrats on the new babies! I think the first pic of the buff? pic #7 is a roo. Looks just like mine did when he was little!
Great! I had read somewhere that Doms or Cuckoo Marans (can't remember which as my brain has ingested dump truck loads of info right before and since we acquired the fuzzballs) could be sexed by the size and consistency of the spot on their heads. As you can see all of mine are mottled large spots. The kids and wife wouldn't take ALL of the little stinkers being boys too very well.

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