Help, what can I or should do to help my chicks???


In the Brooder
12 Years
Dec 23, 2007
Ok I need some advice on this, I’m getting a shipment from ideal on March 25th for 75 chicks, 50 Saipan for myself and 25 of another breed for bf. Well the question is that I know that the order is large enough to be ship on its own since both breed is straight run, but thing is I don’t want to lose any of the chicks, so what do you guys think about asking for peanuts? Our temp for today is -1 and I don’t really think is going to really get that much warmer.
Do you think they’ll even be willing to include peanuts?I order some Shamo about 2 weeks ago and 16 died when I got them at the post offices.

Warm Regards
Thats why one must take into consideration the temps that will be expected at time of shipment. They cannot pack them any more than what they do or they will suffocate. The PO should take proper enough care for the chicks to be ok. If you lose a bunch, contact the hatchery and let the post office know (check your birds upon pickup). Other than getting them into a warm car and warm house (brooder) asap and putting food and water down them, you don't have many other options...
Thats True OMG,
I hate the postoffice people here my last chicks(the Shamo) arrived a day early then what I expected so instead of them calling me for pick up which was clarily printed on the box to call upon arrival, but no they waited and deliver it, and everytime I go and pick up a shipment somehow the
Sup. has to be notify, is this a nromal thing everyone goes through?

about the question I guess I'll wait untill it gets closer to the ship date to decide what to do, I kind of want to get them early so the
chicks have time to atleast grow
with our short summer here in Minnesota.
yes, I did call the hatchery and they reship the 16 dead and included 5 peanuts all arrived alive.
I'd also contact the post office early and make them aware that you expect to be contacted upon arrival, no matter how early in the morning it is. They probably have to contact the Super since it is a live shipment and to cover their responsibilities with the order. Good luck with your new chicks...

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