HELP!! What is the most humane way to cull a chicken?

I have taken them to vet. They gas them first, which puts them to sleep. Then they give the shot with a long needle in the heart which stops it. They charged me for a "pocket pet".
If you do it at home. Use a cone, they go into head first and are upside down. Hanging upside down, they fall asleep, very asleep because of the blood rush to the brain. Then use a sharp pair of pruning shears and cut the head off. Let it bleed into a bucket with water. There is no flopping around.
I use the cone for my meat birds and sick hens. I buy a super sharp knife and tilt the chin out so I can get to the artery on the side. It’s just a small pinch and then they go to sleep as the blood leaves. Just make sure to get the artery and I avoid the trachea so they don’t suffocate. That seems to scare them.

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