Help with an injured duck


May 15, 2015
I am a first time duck owner and I need some help. I have 21 babies, they are probably a month and a half old now, and I noticed earlier that one of them is all cut up on his side under his wing. I cleaned him up but I was wondering if I should separate him for a few days from the others to give him some time to heal without being stepped on or picked at and maybe prevent further injury? Also, these ducks are very attached to each other so should I keep one or two with him? I don't know if he will get lonely or stressed out and that will prohibit his healing. Any advice would be much appreciated.
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Do you know what may have happened? Sometimes a blood feather gets pulled, and blood goes everywhere.

He or she may need to be separated, but not alone - with a couple of buddies makes sense. Can you subdivide the brooder so that they can still see each other? Plastic poultry fence is good for that.

I need to turn in soon, but I plan to check back in the morning.
There are some stumps on the bank of the pond and under the dock and a couple of them were stuck under the dock and I had to coax them out, but I don't know if he was one of them. They all just lump together. I can't even name them because I have so many and can't tell them apart!
Last time I checked on him he seemed to be doing okay. It's not bleeding anymore and it doesn't seem like the others are bothering him. I don't have a way to subdivide the brooder, but in the morning while the others are roaming and swimming I am going to keep him separated. He's ok as long as he can still see everyone else. I was also told to get some vetericyn so I am going to pick that up in the morning.
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