Help with Breed and Gender


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 16, 2011
Yay, I can post pictures now!

Anyway, I have three EE's and two unknowns. While all three of my EE's were supposed to be pullets, one of them (Jacques) is definitely male. He carries himself like a rooster, is much heavier than the other two, and well, just acts rooster...ish. Lol. The other two are the same age and I'm convinced they are both female.

However, the two original peeps I received from my mother's coworker? I have no idea what breed/mix they are, or what gender. They both started out chipmunk-ish looking. They have single combs and yellow legs. I'm really hoping they are both female...I can only have one rooster per half-acre, and I wouldn't put it past my neighbors to report us if we had more than one.

This is Pippin, the smallest of the two mystery chicks. She (*crosses fingers*) has been the slowest to feather out.



And this is no-name, who I just have no clue. She's darker colored than pippin, and a little bit bigger. I'm afraid to name him/her, because I know I'll get attached and that'll make it so much harder to give him/her up if it does turn out to be male. =/



They might be both males telling by the color and comb, sorry, however it is early to tell for sure. Posture, tail angle, size, behavior - Says nothing at this age.

PS - If they're girls, they will lay brown eggs. Single comb.
Gah, It would be my luck that they'd both be boys. I figured it was still a little early to tell them these two.
Don't know but they sure are cute. The second looks like its having a bad hair day (in a good way)

Their faces kinda look like my baby EE's.

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