
Aug 15, 2022
Hey there my hen decided after hatching 6 of her eggs that she's going to be crazy now. Something went wrong with the other chick due today and it's yolk didn't absorb right and momma hen neglected it as well and it passed. She's breaking open the shells for the babies though before they are ready I think. When I left for work both eggs were only pipped... the one that did pass was a little more irregular and I thought the pip was quite large. And 8 hours later when I got off work I came home to this. This one is almost out but still attached by its navel on what I'm assuming is a little left of the yolk/receding veins.

I do have pictures they are a little graphic so here's your warning. How do I help? I've been able to keep the chick stable already for about 6 hours now and I did take it from my hen. I don't want her to try and help it and end up hurting it more. It is peeping and kicking and trying its best to get out but I don't want it to rip itself out and cause bleeding or major issues. Right now I have it propped up so it's butt it sitting in its shell and it can't move much. There has only been very very little blood so far as well mostly when It tried to free itself from its shell.


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Can you see if the yolk is fully absorbed into its navel? It's okay to break away more of the shell to see. There is usually a little watery/blood when they hatch, but not much. The cord should be shriveled by this time. It will be okay overnight to sit in its shell; sometimes people put a chick that's still absorbing yolk into a little cup for a few more hours, if it has left the shell already.
Can you see if the yolk is fully absorbed into its navel? It's okay to break away more of the shell to see. There is usually a little watery/blood when they hatch, but not much. The cord should be shriveled by this time. It will be okay overnight to sit in its shell; sometimes people put a chick that's still absorbing yolk into a little cup for a few more hours, if it has left the shell already.
I had him in a cup staying warm checking on him every hour and when it looks like he broke free he passed :(
I'm not sure what went wrong here he was doing so good. I had tried to get him out once and thats when i noticed there was still a redish yellow glob attached to him at the bottom at the of the egg and posted this. It is hard to tell but it was definitely connected and the vein was rather large and bled decently when i tried the first time in assiting him out and didn't want to pull out any innards In the process so I stopped and figured by morning he'd free himself and we would be good to go...

Not sure if it helps figure out what happened at all but the chicks belly was still pretty distented and still had a stringy white cord coming out of the navel. I'm thinking momma hen didn't incubate these ones enough since she's on the last ones and pretty much lost interest yesterday. She would rather be with the other chicks and I've been trying to remind her she's still got eggs to hatch.

This picture is a bit better you can see better it was very dark red with some yellow tint still which made me think yolk sac. That glob was all still attached to the navel by stringy white stuff and a vein. And the glob was still attached to the egg membrane.
Thank you anyways I appreciate it


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I'm leaning towards mushy chick disease with these two chicks that passed today the more I research. Think momma let them get too cold at some points before they hatched

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