Help with dust in the air ANY SUGGESTIONS?


13 Years
May 21, 2008
The last few weeks the dust has been so bad in the dirt floor coop. It has not been an issue before. I have shavings and a little DE on the floor. What do you recommend to keep it down without adding moisture. Are there any miracles for this???
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I shouldn't do this but
I live in the desert and nothing could be as bad and the dust storms and dust devils whipping around up here. I just live with it. It is a bit annoying when the roo falls off his perch and kicks up a dust storm in the hen house, but it's also funny.
I too live in the desert and the roo is the worst! He is making such a mess of the coop, before I added him to the mix of girls the issue was not so bad. I can hardly breath when I enter and I know this is going to affect them breathing wise, so I was hoping somebody knew a trick or I am going to start running their misting system a little again.
We have a fan mounted in the hen house above their door and it's set on a time. It helps some. We also use straw to cover the floor. It's not perfect, but it certainly helps.

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