help with five month old pullet


11 Years
Apr 26, 2011
she just started laying.she has had runny poo for the last five days.i have been washing her vent area for the last four days.last night when i was cleaning her i noticed a medicine smell. i have been giving my flock electrolytes with vitamins in their water due to the heat.i also seen round worms in their run yesterday morning.i started treatment this morning.can worms cause her to have runny poo.or could it be the electrolytes.
If it has been really hot, they drink more than normal and their poos can tend to be runny with all the liquid they consume. The medicine smell could be the vitamins. Is she eating/drinking and otherwise acting normal?
Yes, runny poop is usually a good indicator of worms with or without the heat. Of course the heat will cause them to drink more as Leadwolf mentioned causing runny poop as well, good thing you saw the worms. I recommend stopping the electrolytes/vitamins and only provide your birds with regular feed and freshwater so they get their digestive systems back to normal.
I forgot to add that you can trim the feathers and fluff with scissors on her rear end for a clear "shot" to the ground.
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she acts normal.i always give them some of their feed in the mornings and have notice they are eating really lite.but i do keep fedders in their coop at all time. so they may be eating in the early morning.i thought she had runny poo.but i seen her pooing this morning and her poo looks normal.her feathers around her vent stay really nasty.i washed her and trimmed around her vent area last night.this morning she was nasty again.could worms cause her to be nasty around her vent area.
Keep in mind that worms are 'internal,' attached to the intestinal tract and other internal places. They dont necessarily cause the area around the vent to be "nasty." All birds healthy or unhealthy, excretes cecal poop and I consider that to be vile, smelly poop and it can get caught in feathers/fluff as well if the rear area isnt trimmed back a little.
I have a related question regarding 'runny poos' and electrolytes. Whenever I add even 25% of the recommended amount of electrolytes to my three month old BO's their poos get very liquid....more than the normal cecal droppings. Anybody else had that experience?
i have stopped the electrolytes.but gave them wazine this morning in their water.i didn't like the idea of starting their worm treatment.but felt it was start as soon as possible.she is one of seven and is the only one with the nasty bottom.hopefully the worming will help with this problems.i have valbezen on its way for follow up.and i will give them yogurt after treament to get them back on track.
i put her in my bathroom sink last night and washed her and trimmed her But feathers up.and than dryed her.i checked her vent area and it looked as thought it was i put some neosporin on that.i was amazed that she never made a peep.

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