Help with hatch please

Hannah Fanno

May 24, 2024
I have had 12 of our 16 viable eggs hatch in our incubator 4 days ago, today is day 25 and I have 4 eggs that have not hatched but have passed the float test. They’re thick green shelled and I can’t see inside them when I candle them.
I can hear two of them making a chipping sound but so far no pip.

Humidity at 70-75, temp at 99.
Should I help them in any way or just let them go and if they die they die? I’m worried their shells are too thick or something…what do I do?
I would make a small hole in the large end in the egg.* use a light and peek in, you would see them breathe. your 99 temp may have been low for what kind of incubator you are using. What kid was it?

*I am suggesting this only because it is day 25.
I helped the chick with the outer pip and I could see it’s beak, so I left it like that for 24 hours, but she never progressed further. I could see her beak moving still so I attempted to open it up a bit more and saw that the white part was really dry, I was worried she was shrink wrapped so I opened it a bit more and I saw that something was developmentally wrong with her. She looked absolutely tiny and didn’t look like she could lift her head. I left her alone for another 24 hours afraid that the yoke hadn’t absorbed, then we she didn’t progress again, I helped her out of the shell. Sadly I saw she had a very gimpy leg and couldn’t stand.
I tried to help her but sadly she died last night 😢

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