Help with ID and Gender

Mama Chook

6 Years
Aug 24, 2013
San Diego, CA
We bought 2 chicks from a local farmer. The larger of the two, the black one, he said is a Jersey Giant/RR cross. She/he is now 4.5 weeks old. Any thoughts on gender?

The 2nd is an unknown breed. She/he started off at mostly yellow with a little barring just starting at the wing tips and a small black stripe on the head. The photo shows her now at about 3 weeks.
Any ideas on this one.

As always, I appreciate the hive mind here!
I agree with Barnhartchickens2 the second one does resemble some sort of wyandotte the stripes kind of point that direction. Don't ya hate that you get something and don't know what it is, just recently I ordered some turkeys and along with them the hatchery sent 8 little yellowish-orange chicks, when ask the hatchery if they knew what they were they just said they were shipped from another facility so they'd have to try and find out. So good luck hopefully you'll find out exactly what they are.
Ok, that seems right then.
Ah. Sorry. No. There is a little red comb just starting to show. The black one, according to the guy I got it from, is a Jersey Giant/ Rhode Island Red cross
By NO MEANS am I say the man you got the black one from doesn't know what he has, but Jersey Giants & RR neither have black legs. Not saying it's not possible to get them when crossed but in my opinion getting a blacked legged chick from two parents who don't have them is very low odds. That chicken the Ayam is a pretty good fit for getting black legs. Just saying Im no expert on any of this.

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